Discover our associated studios initiated and inspired by our founder Ilaria Forte and launched in collaboration by radicalfuture network ➳ ♥


Launched in 2020 sinnaesthetik is a pioneering research lab dedicated to exploring the evolving landscape of systemic and integrative health. Our focus lies in creating innovative digital and immersive experiences, designed to suit both clinical and non-clinical environments.

At sinnaesthetik, we are deeply committed to innovating in ways that positively and consciously impact people and the planet, catalyzing health, healing, regeneration, and well-being for all life.

We are working on changing the trajectory of healthcare to make it inclusive by design, affordable, and accessible for all people with mental, behavioral, neurodevelopmental challenges. Our work revolves around developing immersive experiences which enhance sensory awareness, perception, and embodied well-being. Our work is grounded on a multidimensional and systemic view of health, interweaving the biological, the cognitive, the social, and the ecological dimension of life. We recognize the interconnection between biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors, demonstrating how every aspect of our life influences our state of wellbeing.

Through our work, we strive to address the pressing challenges of planetary health, mental health crisis, and healthcare disparities. Multiple barriers hinder access to mental health, including stigmatization, financial strain, limited acceptability, low awareness, and socio-cultural and religious influence. We aim to …

+ break down these multiple barriers

+ challenge stigmas

+ provide playful, meaningful, and transformative experiences that foster hope for life.

COEVOLUTION/R is a new kind of planet-centric collaborative platform for collective storytelling dedicated to whole systems renewal. Coevolution/r is dedicated to the art of storytelling for systems change, encompassing a wide spectrum of disciplines - from journalism and art to community organizing and research. We believe that narratives have the power to reshape our world, to inspire, inform, and mobilize communities. Our overarching goal is to decolonize our futures, working together to dismantle oppressive narratives and envision a more brighter, equitable and life-affirming world.

Systems change…

…refers to the fundamental transformation of underlying structures and processes that shape societal, organizational, or environmental behaviors and outcomes. It involves reimagining and reshaping these systems to address root causes of issues, rather than just treating symptoms, leading to more sustainable and equitable solutions.

In summary, storytelling for systems change is a strategic and empathetic approach that integrates narrative techniques with a deep understanding of systemic challenges. It's about harnessing the power of stories to envision, communicate, and drive meaningful and lasting change in complex systems.

we make regeneration everybody’s story.

Coevolution/r is a new kind of planet-centric collaborative platform for collective storytelling dedicated to whole systems renewal.

Storytelling for systems change …

is a powerful approach that leverages the art of narrative to inspire and facilitate transformative changes in complex systems. This approach is grounded in the understanding that stories shape our perception of the world and can be instrumental in altering deeply entrenched beliefs, values, and behaviors.

Creating a Shared Vision:

Storytelling for systems change often begins by crafting a compelling vision of the desired future. This narrative serves as a beacon, guiding and motivating stakeholders towards a common goal. It helps people imagine what a transformed system might look like and feel more connected to the possibility of change.

Exposing System Dynamics:

Good stories illuminate the inner workings of systems, revealing how various elements interact and influence each other. This can help people understand complex issues, such as the interconnectedness of economic, environmental, and social factors, in a more accessible and relatable way.


Challenging the Status Quo:

Through storytelling, deeply held assumptions and norms that perpetuate existing systemic issues can be challenged. Stories can expose flaws and inefficiencies in current systems, encouraging listeners to question and rethink established practices and beliefs.

Empowering and Engaging Stakeholders:

Stories can be a powerful tool for engagement, making abstract concepts tangible and emotionally resonant. They can empower individuals and communities by highlighting successful examples of change and demonstrating how their actions can contribute to system-wide transformation.

Facilitating Learning and Adaptation:

Storytelling in systems change is not just about crafting a single narrative, but also about creating a space for multiple voices and perspectives. This inclusive approach allows for a richer understanding of the system and fosters adaptability and learning within it.

Encouraging Collaboration and Co-Creation:

Effective stories can bridge divides and build empathy, enabling diverse groups to find common ground and work collaboratively towards systems change. They can facilitate co-creation processes where stakeholders collectively develop and iterate on solutions.