An engagement as part of or in partnership or in cooperation with our founder Ilaria Forte, radicalfuture network, with our studios and our R&D or community initiatives, including sinnaesthetik and coevolutionr be it as a member, partner, or organization requires agreement with our Code of Ethics and Conduct. Please read our set of guidelines issued by radicalfuture network to all its partners and members to orient meaningful, impact-driven, and responsible actions in accordance with our core values and ethical standards.
We represent a group of diverse eco-social pioneers and creators tackling complex challenges and incorporating the principle of doing no harm. We refrain from causing harm to ourselves to others, to animals, to plants, to the earth, to the waters, and to the air. Our overarching purpose is to alleviate the suffering of all beings and create a world that sustains life.
We nurture a wholistic mindset and believe in a thriving and balanced world, sustained by cooperation, compassion, engagement, and empowerment.
We serve to lead. We act from a place of equanimity, loving-kindness, and compassion.
We do not take what is not given but rather cultivates, encourages generosity and honesty.
We cultivate and encourage honest and caring relationships as part of creating an environment where conscious, mindful, and compassionate relationships can be cultivated. We encourage open, direct, honest, and truthful communication. We cultivate respectful speech. We do not praise ourselves or seek personal gain at the expense of others.
All our decision-making processes involve making decisions together in a cooperative and conscious manner, with clarity, transparency, and with a wholehearted effort to consider all points of view and different perspectives. We solve arising conflicts and tensions in a constructive and nonviolent way. We use non-violent communication. We do not tolerate and do not justify harassment or violence.
We take a whole-systems approach. Our focus areas include the environment, society, culture, the economy, and the wellbeing of all. We support systemic change tackling the root problems affecting our planet, societies, and economies. We move beyond sustainability towards a regenerative world. Our projects will be selected correspondingly. Our ambition is to contribute to a shifting paradigm, from competition to cooperation, from extraction to regeneration, from separation to interbeing, from centralized to distributed systems. We use the planetary Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) and the "Agenda 2030" of the United Nations in conjunction with the Earth Charter, are our guiding frameworks for a future worth living in.
We agree that we are all “architects of our future.” Problems such as environmental degradation, social issues, poverty, and hunger are system-related and interrelated. Each person, group, or organization bears responsibility and takes an active part in the solution. Ecological crises (such as climate change, plastic pollution, and a decline in biodiversity) or social inequality (causing e.g., hunger, poverty) not only require above all a change in one's own mindset.
We believe in diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities. Our ethics are based on equality, fairness, and respect for human rights and nature. We do not engage in discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, or any other grounds. We respect the cultures, customs, and languages of other countries and regions. We promote and maintain harmony with the international and local communities in which we operate.
We respect any kind of expression helping to solve urgent challenges, may they be artistic, entrepreneurial, contemplative, design-oriented, scientific, or spiritual. Any such contribution will be promoted and implemented as a means of inspiration and to support transformation. We support ideas but not ideologies. We question everything, including our own views, and refuse all dogmas.
Last update: 2023/03